Covid 19 

During the current Covid-19 situation APT Coaches Limited has taken advice and feedback from governing bodies including The Department of Transport and Public Health England along with a continued dialogue with our industry body, The Confederation for Passenger Transport (CPT) to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our staff and to give those who travel on our vehicles confidence.

To assist our passengers we have taken the following steps:-

All vehicles will be fitted with Alcohol Gel dispensers, for customer use on entry to the vehicle.

All vehicles will be sterilised at the end of every day, ensuring a completely fresh start to the following morning. We have purchased vehicle fog sanitation equipment (highly sophisticated sterilisation machines) for this purpose.

All vehicles will be cleaned and sterilised AFTER every journey.

All passengers will be required to wear face masks and abide by any government guidelines issued.

APT will be fitting UVC and PM25 Air Filters where possible to reduce bacteria and corona type viruses.

All APT drivers will not be leaving their seats to abide with social distancing regulations and will also be wearing face masks.

All APT drivers will be social distancing while at the depot. We will be staggering their times to return to the depot to make this more practical. They will also be adhering to strict procedures during their time in the yard and will be keeping a high level of personal hygiene.